Vol. 1, Issue 1
17 October, 1999

CPC Homepage

Site Launched:
17 October, 1999

Page created
by Tandem Designs©
Graphics: Tommy
Programming: Brian Grosz

In March of 1977 I was born in Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City, the second and last child of Lewise and Ed Lucaire. From there I was transported to our Upper West Side home which was to be my main residence for the next twenty-two years. Once weened off the brilliant laziness of a toddler's lifestyle, I attended the Collegiate School for boys beginning in the first grade. I remained at Collegiate until I graduated in 1995, a true "survivor" of among other things the all-male environment. Besides being an active member of both the varsity baseball and basketball teams there, I also began to gain an interest in writing. My interest peaked after reading The Divine Comedy during my junior year. I got the "writing bug" and proceeded to study and write both poetry and prose. My work culminated senior year as I wrote a creative version of My Own Inferno as an Independent Project.

At Bowdoin College I began to concentrate more heavily on my poetry, studying under Anthony Walton, a great poet and a powerful mind. Under his tutelage, I was fortunate enough to have won the Forbes Rickard Poetry Prize at Bowdoin for the best poem by an undergraduate.

In 1998 I spent my Junior year studying British Literature at the University of Edinburgh. Exposed to the brilliant fiction of Alasdair Gray, Muriel Spark and Charles Dickens I began to think more about writing my own piece of longer fiction. My senior year at Bowdoin I did just that and wrote a Novella entitled, "The Hand Before the Falling Ends."

As a working man, I have organized and read at poetry readings at the Drip Coffee Bar on the Upper West Side. I also self-published a book of my own poetry entitled "Moongirl." At present, I continue to work on my writing while moonlighting as a bartender.


If I Should Fall, Scotland


Prague 1, Czechoslovakia

Prague 2, Czechoslovakia

St Andrews, Scotland

Isle Skye, Scotland