Vol. 1, Issue 1
17 October, 1999

CPC Homepage

Site Launched:
17 October, 1999

Page created
by Tandem Designs©
Graphics: Tommy
Programming: Brian Grosz

Volume I, Issue 1
Issue Date: 17 October, 1999

Site Launched: 17 October, 1999

Letter from our Editor

Contributing Artists:
Sholto Ainslie | Peter A. Bradley | Ben Butler | Ira Cohen | Albert Depas | Iannis Delatolas | Tommy Figura | Cannon Hersey | John Hersey | Zhang Hongtu | Hungarian Poets | Allan Graubard | Jazz Tribe with D. Namgyal Khorko | Ed Lucaire | Mihail | Elizabeth Rogers

Editorial Staff:
Editor: Cannon Hersey
Assitant Editors: Christopher Angell, David Griffin
Graphic Designer: Tommy Figura
Programming and Layout: Brian Grosz